During the Gala Dinner of 4th Trenchless Balkans Conference and Exhibition in conjunction with 4th Water Loss Forum Balkans, a prestigious award ceremony will be held for the below categories:
- Trenchless Innovative Product Award
- Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation Award
- Trenchless Horizontal Directional Drilling Award
- Trenchless Microtunneling Award
- Trenchless Academic Award
- Trenchless Young Professional Award
- Water Loss Control Innovative Product Award
- Water Loss Control New Project Award
- Water Loss Control Academic Award
- Water Loss Control Young Professional Award
Applications must be in English and should be prepared with a maximum 500 words text. Please specify the category of the award from above. Application deadline is 15 April 2022.
If you would like to apply for the above award(s), please contact info@trenchlessbalkans.com.
The Gala Dinner will take place on the 16th of May, at Grand Hotel Italia. Tickets to the event are available on the Registration page.